In depth Egyptian Gods and Goddess facts and additional interesting information are available in specific articles relating to the individual deities and goddesses of ancient Egypt. |
Egyptian Gods and Goddess Fact Sheet for Kids Egyptian Gods and Goddess Fact Sheet for Kids |
Name: Atum Sun God and Creator |
Name: Maat Female deity of truth and justice |
Egyptian Gods and Goddess Fact Sheet for Kids Egyptian Gods and Goddess Egyptian Gods and Goddess Fact Sheet for Kids |
Egyptian Gods and Goddess Fact Sheet for Kids Egyptian Gods and Goddess Fast Fact Sheet - Egyptian Gods and Goddess Egyptian Gods and Goddess Fact Sheet for Kids Anubis: Anubis the Egyptian Jackal God of the dead, embalming Anuket: Anuket the Egyptian female deity of the Nile and the fields Atum: Atum the Egyptian Sun God and CreatorBastet: Bastet the Cat Goddess of the home and cats Hathor: Hathor the Egyptian Cow Goddess and sky goddessHorus: Horus the Falcon God of the sky, sun & moon Isis: Isis the Egyptian Mother Goddess of ancient EgyptKhepri: Khepri the Scarab God of the sun and rebirth Khnum: Khnum the Egyptian Ram God of the Nile and rebirthKhonsu: Khonsu the Falcon God of the moon and healing Maat: Maat the Egyptian female deity of truth and justiceNefertum: Nefertum the God of sunlight and the lotus Nephthys: Nephthys the female deity of divine assistanceMeretseger: Meretseger the Cobra Goddess of tomb workers Meskhenet: Meskhenet the Egyptian female deity of childbirthMin: Min the Egyptian God of men & sexual vigor Menthu: Menthu the Egyptian Hawk headed God of warMut: Mut the Egyptian Mother Goddess of the sky Neith: Neith the Egyptian Creator Goddess of warOsiris: Osiris the God of death and rebirth Ptah: Ptah the Egyptian Creator God of artisans, buildersRa: Ra the Egyptian Creator God of the sun Seshat: Seshat the Egyptian female deity of writingSelket: Selket the Scorpion Goddess of the dead Set: Set the Egyptian God of chaos and evilShu: Shu the God of the air and the sky Sobek: Sobek the Crocodile God of the Nile and armySothis: Sothis the Sky Goddess of the stars Tefnut: Tefnut the Lioness Goddess of rain and moistureThoth: Thoth the Ibis God of knowledge Egyptian Gods and Goddess Fact Sheet for Kids Egyptian Gods and Goddess Fact Sheets - Egyptian Gods and Goddess |