Anuket, goddess of Egypt

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses for kids - Anuket

The Mythology & History of ancient Egypt surrounding Anuket, the Egyptian goddess of the Nile cataracts and the fields

Anuket, goddess of Egypt
Discover the legends and myths and religious beliefs surrounding Anuket, the Egyptian goddess of the Nile cataracts and the fields. Anuket was the goddess of the Nile cataracts and the fields. Anuket was depicted in ancient Egyptian art with a crown of tall ostrich feathers which were the symbol of creation and light. She was also associated with hunting, fertility and childbirth.

According to ancient Egyptian mythology she was the daughter of Khnum, the Egyptian water god and guardian of the Nile and of Satet the goddess of the annual inundation of the River Nile. Additional, interesting facts and information about ancient Egypt, and its mysterious gods and goddesses, is also available via:

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Who was Anuket?
Anuket was the Egyptian goddess of the Nile cataracts and the fields. Like her mother, Satet, she was also a goddess of the hunt whose sacred animal was the gazelle.

Facts about Anuket
The following facts and profile provides a fast overview of Anuket:

Anuket Profile & Fact File

Egyptian Name: Anuket also Anket, Anquet, Anqet, Anjet and Anukis

Role & Function: The function of Anuket is described as being the water goddess of the Nile cataracts and the fields

Status: Anuket was a member of the Elephantine Triad

Cataracts: A cataract is a stretch of rocky islets, waterfalls, whirlpools, or white water rapids. There were six Nile cataracts, only one was in Egypt (Aswan) the others were in Nubia, now Sudan (aka Kush or Ethiopia)

Symbols: The gazelle, tall ostrich feather headdress

Cult Center: Elephantine, an island in the River Nile bordering northern Nubia.

Titles: "Mistress of Nubia", "She Who Embraces", "Lady of the Gazelle"

Names of Parents: Khnum, the Egyptian god of fertility and Satet, the goddess of the Nile inundation.

Name in Hieroglyphics: Translation of Hieroglyphics for Anuket: The letter A, water, feminine and goddess seated

The Symbols of Anuket - Her crown
Anuket was immediately recognised by her depictions in which she wore the distinctive and unusual headdress of tall ostrich feathers. Anuket is closely connected with Nubia, with the title "Mistress of Nubia", and lands south of Egypt and this is highly relevant to her style of headdress. The picture below shows an African headdress worn by a chief and the similarity between this and the crown of Anuket is clear. Her crown base for her headdress is called a modius and was used for the base of headdresses of male and female gods - refer to Crowns of Egypt. The dwarf god Bes was also believed to be of African origin was also depicted wearing a similar crown.

Picture of AnuketAfrican Headdress

Old African Headdress and the Crown of Anuket

The Symbols of Anuket - The Gazelle
Another symbol associated with Anuket as the goddess of the hunt was the gazelle which was reflected in her tit;e "Lady of the Gazelle". The symbol of her mother Satet, another hunting goddess, was the antelope. Both of these animals were found grazing on the banks of the southernmost parts of the River Nile.

Anuket - Goddess of the Cataracts
Anuket was the Egyptian goddess of the Nile cataracts and cultivated lands and fields. Anuket was particularly associated with the lower cataracts near Aswan. A cataract consists of rocky islets, waterfalls, whirlpools, or white water rapids. There were six cataracts along the River Nile. Only one cataract was in Egypt (Aswan) the other treacherous stretches of the Nile were in Nubia (aka Kush or Ethiopia), now Sudan. The cataracts were so dangerous that they were impassable except in seasons of high flood. The northernmost cataract of the Nile was on the border between Egypt and Nubia. Anuket was the goddess of all lands south of the Egyptian border and widely worshipped in Nubia, and given the title "Mistress of Nubia". A temple dedicated to Anuket was erected on the Island of Seheil. Inscriptions show that a shrine or altar was dedicated to her at this site by the 13th dynasty Pharaoh Sobekhotep III. The island called Elephantine, located in the Nile just north of the first cataract, was where the cult of Anuket, Satet and Khnum originated.

Anuket and the Elephantine Triad
As the River Nile flowed towards the north, the annual flood waters entered Egypt by passing Elephantine and by the 18th Dynasty it became the cult center for the three gods: Anuket, the goddess of the cataracts, her mother Satet the war goddess of the flood or inundation and her father Khnum the water god who guarded and controlled the waters of the Nile. These three gods were the protectors of the River Nile and known collectively as the Elephantine Triad. Elephantine was the capital of the state and for many years was the military stronghold of the Ancient Egyptian empire and a center of commerce and trade with the Nubians. The trading link with Nubia probably accounts for the name 'Elephantine' as there was a brisk trade in ivory at the island. 

Anuket the Water Goddess
As the Egyptian goddess of the treacherous Nile cataracts Anuket was particularly worshipped by the ancient Egyptian traders and sailors who left inscriptions on the rocks as a form of prayers to Anuket for their safe passage along the hazardous waters to Nubia or for their safe return to Egypt. The River Nile provided the source of agricultural wealth to ancient Egypt.  Each year a torrent of water overflowed on to the banks of the Nile leaving a thick rich mud (called black silt) and alluvial soil that fertilized the land making it ideal for growing the crops that fed Egypt. The flooding of the Nile was of such importance that the Egyptians based their lives around it.

  • Akhet was the time of the Nile flood (June - September)
  • Peret was the sowing time (October - January)
  • Shemu was the time of harvest (February - May)

The Festival of Anuket
The beginning of the harvest season, Shemu, was celebrated with the Festival of Anuket in which thanks were given for the harvesting of food crops such as wheat and barley, and industrial crops, such as flax and papyrus. Celebrations during the Festival of Anuket included a magnificent river procession, in which the other members of the Elephantine Triad, Khnum and Satet, were also honored. Statues of the gods were removed from the temple and ceremoniously placed on gilded ceremonial barques, equipped with long poles that were carried on the shoulders of their priests to the bigger river boats. The massive processions consisted of standard bearing Egyptian soldiers, priests, musicians, singers and dancers. Festivals were extremely noisy with shouting people, the chants of the temple choir, the blowing of trumpets, the beating of drums, the rattling of the sistra. The air would have been full of the smell of burning incense. Statues of other gods were added to the procession as different temples were passed. The people would enjoy the spectacle of the procession and celebrate with feasting. The people also gave offerings to the gods by throwing such items as jewelry and coins into the Nile to honor and appease the river gods.

Facts about Anuket in Egyptian Mythology
Discover interesting information and research facts about Anuket, the Egyptian goddess of the Nile cataracts and the fields. The facts about Anuket provides a list detailing fascinating additional info to increase your knowledge about Anuket in Egyptian Mythology.

History, Mythology and Facts about Anuket

Fact 1: The title of Anuket "Embracer" reflected her role as a fertility goddess

Fact 2: The three gods of the Elephantine Triad were all closely linked with the River Nile:

Khnum as guardian of the Nile
Satet as the goddess of the annual inundation
Anuket as goddess of the cataracts

Fact 3: The Nile god Hapi was believed to bring the silt to the banks of the Nile, making farming possible in the middle of the desert. It was believed that Anuket and the other two gods of the Elephantine Triad decided how much of Hapi's silt would be delivered during each year's flood.

Fact 4: Anuket was also a protective deity of childbirth and her title "She Who Embraces"

Fact 5: The cataracts formed a barrier to boat travel beyond Egypt in Nubia

Fact 6: There were no cataracts to limit boat travel through the Egyptian section of the Nile

Fact 7: Anuket was also believed to be a virgin goddess

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