Mut, goddess of Egypt

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses for kids - Mut,

The Mythology & History of ancient Egypt surrounding the Egyptian goddess Mut, the divine Mother Goddess of the sky

Mut, goddess of Egypt
Discover the legends and myths and religious beliefs surrounding Mut, the Egyptian goddess of Mut was the Mother Goddess, the vulture goddess of the sky. She was depicted with a Royal Vulture Crown consisting of a vulture or falcon feather headdress with its wings spread round her head in the act of protection. Mut as the world mother was associated with the vulture as the ancient Egyptians considered the white vulture to be a highly maternal and protective bird.

Mut was the consort of Amun and the mother of Khonsu who together formed the Triad of Thebes. Additional, interesting facts and information about ancient Egypt, and its mysterious gods and goddesses, is also available via:

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Who was Mut?
Mut was the Egyptian goddess of the sky, the divine mother goddess and Queen of the Goddesses. With her consort Amun and son, Khonsu these three gods were named the Triad of Thebes.

Facts about Mut
The following facts and profile provides a fast overview of Mut:

Mut Profile & Fact File

Egyptian Name: Mut, her name means "mother."

Role & Function: The function of Mut is described as being the goddess of the sky

Status: Member of the Theban triad (Mut, Amun and Khonsu)

Symbols: The Vulture, crown with the Uraeus (rearing cobra), the lioness

Alternative Names: Mout, Maut

Cult Center: Thebes (modern day Luxor)

Titles: Mother of the Gods, World-Mother, Queen of the Goddesses, Lady of Heaven

Name of Husband: In the Thebes Triad she was the wife of Amun

Names of Children: Mut was the mother of Khonsu

Name in Hieroglyphics:

Translation of Hieroglyphics: Vulture, loaf of bread (giver of food), egg (female fertility) & sign of sitting goddess

Mut in Egyptian Mythology
Mut, the Egyptian goddess of the sky, featured in the stories, myths and legends in Egyptian Mythology. She was the Egyptian sky goddess, world mother and the consort of Amun-Ra. She was considered to be the mother of the gods and Queen of the Goddesses. She was depicted as a vulture or with a vulture head-dress and her symbol was the uraeus rearing cobra.

Mut and the 'Two Ladies'
Mut 'absorbed' the aspects of two earlier goddesses, Wadjet and Nekhbet who together were referred to as the 'Two Ladies' and symbolized the unification of Egypt. Wadjet was originally the goddess of the red crown of Lower Egypt (north) and Nekhbet was the white vulture goddess of the white crown of Upper Egypt (south). Following the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt Wadjet was paired with Nekhbet, the white vulture goddess and the goddesses were referred to as the "Two Ladies". The symbols of Nekhbet and Wadjet were 'adopted' by Mut. Depictions of Nekhbet and Wadjet are shown on this famous image of the Eye of Ra.

Eye of Horus

The Symbols of Mut - Her Crown
The Uraeus was the rearing cobra emblem and a potent symbol of the Pharaohs of Lower Egypt. The uraeus appears as a symbol of a rearing cobra worn on the royal crowns and headdresses of Egypt. The Uraeus conveys an image of a cobra rising up in protection and was an emblem of supreme power and authority in ancient Egypt. Mut is depicted wearing the Royal Vulture Crown consisting of a falcon feather headdress with its wings spread round her head in the act of protection, adorned by a Uraeus.

The Symbols of Mut - The Vulture
The vulture symbol of Mut represented many different things. The white vulture of Egypt was considered to be a highly maternal and protective bird. The vulture was also immensely powerful and was seen soaring to the heavens associating the bird with the gods. The wide wingspan of the vulture was seen as all-encompassing, and just as the royal vulture crown indicates was protective.

The Symbols of Mut - The Lioness
As Thebes rose to greater prominence in ancient Egypt, Mut absorbed aspects of other goddesses. The practice of creating new gods by combining them with old gods is called 'syncretism', which meant the fusion of religious beliefs. Mut was merged with Mafdet, Wadjet, Bastet, Menhit and Sekhmet, who were all warrior lioness goddesses.

Picture of Mut
The following ancient picture of the goddess Mut shows her vulture protected headdress, on top of the headdress is small modius which was a crown base used to attach extensions to crowns such as long ostrich feathers. In one hand she holds the Ankh, as a symbol of her power to give life or take it away. In her other hand she holds the 'Was Scepter' a symbol of divine power and an emblem of authority.

Goddess Mut

Mut and the Triad of Thebes
Mut was a member of the three gods referred to as the Triad of Thebes. The sacred Triad of Thebes consisted of Mut, her consort Amun and their son, Khonsu. Temples and shrines dedicated to the worship of the three gods in the Triad of Thebes existed throughout Egypt, however their cult center was at Karnak, part of the ancient city of Thebes, with its massive temple complex. Major construction work on the massive temple complex during the Eighteenth dynasty, of the period in Egyptian history called the New Kingdom (1570 BC - 1070 BC), when Thebes became the capital of the unified Ancient Egypt. The center of the worship of Mut was a district of Thebes called Asher (Ashrel). Her temple, Het-Mut, was south of the temple of Amun-Ra.

Mut - The Religious Revolution of Akhenaten and the rise of the Aten
The worship of the gods in the Triad of Thebes was halted temporarily by the edicts of the pharaoh Akhenaten, who was the father of Tutankhamen. Akhenaten started a religious revolution in Egypt by banning the worship of all gods including Mut, in favor of just one god - the Aten. During the period of the religious revolution Akhenaten used the Egyptian military to destroy the old religion, all of its gods, including Mut. Akhenaten also tried to destroy the powerful priesthood of the Triad of Thebes. The Temple at Karnak in Thebes and dedicated to the triad of gods was closed, the priests were thrown out and Pharaoh Akhenaten ordered the statues of the old gods to be destroyed. The revolution lasted for 16 years from 1349BC - 1333BC until the abdication and death of Akhenaten. The worship of the Triad of Thebes including Mut was re-established and grew into great prominence.

Facts about Mut in Egyptian Mythology
Discover interesting information and research facts about Mut, the Egyptian goddess of the sky. The facts about Mut provides a list detailing fascinating additional info to increase your knowledge about Mut in Egyptian Mythology.

History, Mythology and Facts about Mut

Fact 1: Mut was the Mother Goddess, the vulture goddess of the sky and depicted wearing the royal vulture headdress

Fact 2: She was the wife of the god Amun and the mother of the moon god Khonsu. Together the three gods were called the Triad of Thebes.

Fact 3: Mut was worshipped daily by the Pharaoh and her priestesses

Fact 4: The female pharaoh Queen Hatshepsut had the ancient temple to Mut at Karnak rebuilt during her rule in the Eighteenth Dynasty of the New Kingdom and claimed that she descended from Mut.

Fact 5: Mut was revered as a fierce protector of Egypt, bringing defeat and death to its enemies

Fact 6: Thebes was an important religious center for almost two thousand years

Fact 7: A great statue of Amun was conveyed by boat from the temple of Karnak to Luxor during the Opet festival, in order to celebrate his marriage to Mut

Fact 8: The word 'mut' means "mother" in Egyptian

Fact 9: She was worshiped as "Mut, the Great Lady of Isheru, the Lady of Heaven, the Queen of the Gods". Isheru was name of the small, sacred lake at her temple at Karnak

Fact 10: Mut was seen as the great earth mother, the loving, receptive, nurturing force behind all things

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