Taweret, goddess of Egypt

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses for kids - Taweret aka Reret

The Mythology & History of ancient Egypt surrounding the Egyptian goddess Taweret, the goddess of childhood

Taweret, goddess of Egypt
Discover the legends and myths and religious beliefs surrounding Taweret, the Egyptian hippopotamus goddess and protective deity of pregnancy, childbirth and young children. She was called "The Great One" and depicted with the head of a hippo, the limbs of a lion, the tail of a crocodile, all of these fierce were known to kill to in order to protect their young.

Taweret was a protective household goddess favored by the common folk, having no specific temple dedicated to her. Her prominence increased when she was associated with the nursing of pharaohs. Images of Taweret often show her with the 'Sa', a symbol of protection.

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Facts about Taweret
The following facts and profile provides a fast overview of Taweret, the Egyptian goddess of of pregnancy, fertility, childbirth and childhood:

Taweret Profile & Fact File

Egyptian Name: Taweret. Alternative Names: Tawaret, Tawret, Taurt, Tuat, Tweri, Thoueris, Tuart, Ta-weret and Taueret. She was also known as Reret.

Role & Function: The roles of the goddess Taweret include duties associated with fertility, pregnancy, childbirth and the protection of young children and infants

Status: Protective 'nurse' of the royal family

Symbols: The 'Sa' symbol of protection, hippopotamus, lion and crocodile

Cult Center: No cult center was dedicated to Taweret, she was primarily worshipped as a private, household goddess

Titles: The "Great One" and the  "Lady of Magical Protection" and "Lady of the Birth House"

Name in Hieroglyphics: Translation of Hieroglyphics for Taweret: The Sa symbol and the symbol of Taweret consisting of bread as a giver of life, the Egyptian vulture and quail chick that stands for the letter 'W'

Sa symbol

Taweret in Egyptian Mythology
Taweret, the Egyptian goddess of childhood, featured in the stories, myths and legends in Egyptian Mythology. Taweret was believed to suckle, nurse and protected pregnant mothers and newborn infants. Taweret was associated with the hippopotamus, lion and crocodile the most feared animals known to the ancient Egyptians. Her protective role was a strictly female domain as these mothers were believed to be fiercely protective of their young. In the underworld, she carried the deceased toward a new afterlife.

The Role of Taweret
The roles of Taweret were as follows:

  • Goddess of female fertility
  • Protector of working women
  • Household goddess, revered in the home especially during times of crisis
  • Goddess of pregnancy and childbirth - her swollen belly was seen as a sign of pregnancy
  • The wet nurse of the pharaoh.
  • In the Book of the Dead Taweret, the 'Lady of Magical Protection', was seen as a goddess who guided the dead into the afterlife.
  • As the  "Lady of Magical Protection" her name was invoked in the prayers for women who wanted a child and in those seeking protection for their young children

The Symbols of Taweret
The symbols of Taweret include the hippo, the 'Sa' Symbol representing protection, a short cylindrical headdress topped by two  cow horns and the solar disk of Hathor. She was associated with the so called "magic wand" or "magic knives" used during labour to ward off evil.

The Sa symbol

The Sa Symbol

Taweret linked with Bes, Hapi and Ammit
She was often depicted in the company of the dwarf god Bes and was frequently described as the wife of Bes. The god Bes had a similar protective function and was also closely linked to childbirth. A commemorative inscription on an ancient stela details that Horus (the son of Isis) had "a sow and a dwarf" as the protectors of his infant body. Due to similarities in appearance Taweret was mistakenly identified as Ammit, the 'Devourer of the Dead',  who was also depicted in the combined forms of a crocodile, lion and hippo. The full breasts and belly on composite figures of Taweret are also linked with the Nile inundation god Hapi as the Egyptian god of fertility.

Taweret and the Hippopotamus goddesses
Taweret was only one of several goddesses who took the form of a hippopotamus. During the period of the Old Kingdom period she was also identified with the names Opet (aka Ipet, Ipy and Apet) and Reret, so much so, that all of these hippopotamus goddesses became interchangeable with Taweret. All of these hippopotamus goddesses were associated with fertility, pregnancy and protection, and they were often difficult to distinguish from each other, not only in their form but also in their characteristics.

Taweret as Reret
The name 'Reret' is a shortened form of the name Taweret. Reret was also often depicted bearing a crocodile on her back. Although she is always depicted as a hippopotamus, the name 'Reret' means ‘the Sow’ because the ancient Egyptians saw the hippo as a water pig. Possibly the first of the hippo goddesses, she was initially viewed as a dangerous and potentially malignant force. She was associated with the northern sky as 'Nebetakhet', the "Mistress of the Horizon". She represented the stars of Ursa Minor and Draco (the little dipper formed her back) who guarded the dangerous northern sky that was associated with both of the evil gods of Egyptian mythology - Apep and Set. According to one myth, she was the consort of Apep who only appeared during the night. She was represented all that was evil during the day. This all changed when Reret was transformed into Taweret and became a mother goddess and a patron of childbirth and the wet nurse of the pharaoh.

Taweret wearing the Cow Horns Crown
She was sometimes equated with Hathor Mehet-Weret, the cow goddess who represented the fertile aspect of the primeval waters. The picture of the following relief shows Taweret wearing the cow horns crown usually associated with the cow goddesses Isis and Hathor, consisting of head horns in which a sun disk is set.

Taweret and Meretseger

Picture of Taweret and Meretseger

Taweret as Opet the Hippopotamus goddess (aka Ipy, Ipet and Apet)
Taweret, as Opet, was also referred to by the names of Ipet, Ipy and Apet. In the Pyramid Texts, the reborn king is said to be nourished by the sweet milk of Opet. The Opet temple, dedicated to the goddess, is located in the Amun temple complex at Karnak (Thebes) and was originally built by Nectanebo I (380 BCE to 362 BCE) dated to the Late Period and Ptolemaic era however, it was the cult of Taweret that gained particular importance over time. Like Taweret the goddess Opet was a benign Ancient Egyptian goddess who of a hippopotamus as well as that of a crocodile with the tail on her back, with either human arms) or the legs and paws of a lion. She was also depicted with an enlarged belly like that of a pregnant woman.

The Temple of Opet
The Temple of Opet at the Thebes cult center contained a hall with two Hathor-headed columns which led to the main sanctuary housing the divine statue of Opet. A number of crypts ran down from the temple including a "tomb of Osiris" and a "birth chamber" providing access to a cult statue of Osiris - she was referred to as the mother of Osiris. This Osiris shrine was located directly across from a door in the Khonsu Temple, suggesting a close link between the temples. Khonsu was often depicted as a child with the symbol of childhood (a sidelock of hair) and revered as a protector of children against dangerous animals and represented standing on crocodiles.

Taweret the dominant Hippopotamus goddess
Many of the gods of the ancient Egyptians were subsumed (meaning absorbed) into new deities. The practice of creating new deities, by combining them with the attributes of old gods, is called 'syncretism'. No doubt that this was the case with Opet, Reret and Taweret.

Facts about Taweret in Egyptian Mythology
Discover interesting information and research facts about Taweret, the Egyptian goddess of childhood. The facts about Taweret provides a list detailing fascinating additional info to increase your knowledge about Taweret in Egyptian Mythology.

History, Mythology and Facts about Taweret

Fact 1: The hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) was originally indigenous to ancient Egypt and the River Nile, the life-giving force in ancient Egyptian civilization. They were wiped out of that country in modern times because of the crop damage they caused.

Fact 2: No temples dedicated specifically to Taweret have been found but as Opet she was worshipped at Thebes

Fact 3: In Lower Egypt there was a Hippo Feast since the Old Kingdom, during which the king, as Horus, killed a white hippo, identified with Set

Fact 4: The Hippopotamus, like crocodiles and frogs, were symbols of regeneration because they disappeared under the water only to resurge after a while.

Fact 5: Children in ancient Egypt played with wooden toys shaped like  hippos and crocodiles that had hinges that allowed their mouths to move up and down.

Fact 6: The word hippopotamus comes from the Greek for “river horse”

Fact 7: The mother hippopotamus protected its young from crocodiles in the water and lions on land.

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