The Benben Stone

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses for kids - The Benben Stone

The history of ancient Egypt and the significance of the Benben Stone (aka Benben stone or the Pyramidion)

The Benben Stone
Discover the history and religious beliefs surrounding the 'Benben Stone' which was one of the most important religious
Egyptian Symbols in the mythology and creation myth of ancient Egypt. The sun temple located in the City of Heliopolis, Egypt, was dedicated to the solar deity Ra, and housed the Benben Stone. The sacred Benben Stone was a pyramid-shaped capstone on top of an obelisk. The Benben Stone was believed to be the beacon for the mythical Bennu Bird, a phoenix-like bird with beautiful red and golden feathers that sheltered in the Tree of Life, at Heliopolis.

According to ancient Egyptian mythology the sacred Benben Stone emerged from the primeval waters at the beginning of creation and symbolized the Primeval mound.

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Egyptian Symbols & Signs

Facts about the ancient Egyptian Benben Stone
The Benben Stone was a potent ancient Egyptian symbol and icon in the mythology and legends of Egypt. According to ancient Egyptian mythology the mythical Benben Stone the fruit of which provided eternal life and knowledge of the cycles of time.

Benben Stone Fact File

Name: The 'Benben Stone' is also referred to as the Ben-Ben stone, a sun stone and as a pyramidion. Others have referred to it as the Stone of Destiny

Location of the Benben Stone: The Benben Stone was located on the top of an obelisk in the Sun Temple of Atum Ra at Heliopolis.

Significance: The sacred Benben Stone is connected with the creation myth, and the sun god Atum (known as Atum-Ra and then Ra, the Supreme Solar God) and the nine gods of the Ennead of Heliopolis

Symbol: The Benben was one of the most potent symbols of ancient Egypt symbolizing the Primeval mound and housed the spirit of the sun god Ra

Symbolic Connections: The Benben is strongly associated with ancient mythology and legends relating to the Bennu Bird and the Tree of Life.

The Pyramids: The first pyramids were believed to have been built emulating the shape of the Benben Stone, the residence of the sun god Ra. The capstone on the pyramids were venerated as the dwelling of the sun god. The dead pharaoh, buried deep inside the pyramid was therefore under the direct protection of the solar deity

Facts about the Benben Stone in Egyptian Mythology
Discover interesting information and research facts about the Benben, the potent Egyptian symbol. The facts about the Benben Stone provides a list detailing fascinating additional info to increase your knowledge about the Benben in Egyptian Mythology and history. The first rays of the sun fell on Ra marking the way to heaven by ascending the rays of the sun. The original mound of earth was called the benben which according to ancient Egyptian mythology was said to be a conical shape (like an obelisk) and four-sided (like a pyramid).

Facts about the Benben Stone from Mythology and Egyptian History

Fact 1: The Benben had a particular solar significance being associated with the rising sun and as the dwelling of the personification of the Sun god Ra.

Fact 2: The Benben Stone was housed in an open court yard in the Sun temple of Ra in Heliopolis. The pyramid-shape capstone topped a sacred Obelisk.

Fact 3: The Bennu bird (the Egyptian phoenix) built its nest on top of the Benben stone, where it perished in flames.

Fact 4: The Bennu Bird (Phoenix) was believed to represent the soul of the Sun-God Ra and symbolized resurrection and the rising sun

Fact 5: The Pyramid Text, which eventually formed part of the Book of the Dead, makes reference to the Benben stone as follows:

‘O Atum-Khoprer, you became high on the height, you rose up as the bnbn-stone in the Mansion of the Phoenix at On’

This refers to the sun temple at Heliopolis, which was called 'On', by the Egyptians

Fact 6: The gilded capstone, the pyramidion, placed at the summit of each pyramid or obelisk was known as a Benbenet and associated the pyramid as a whole with the sacred Benben stone.

Fact 7: The Benben was the location on which the first rays of the sun fell.

Fact 8: According to the creation myth in the Pyramid Texts, Ra (as Atum) emerged from the waters of Nun as a Benben stone. He then spat forth Shu (air) and Tefnut (water). Tefnut then gave birth to Geb (earth) and Nut (sky).

Fact 9: The Ben-Ben Stone was believed to have the power to enlighten the person who was in its surroundings and was capable of producing an awesome power. 

Fact 10: People were unable to get close to the Ben-Ben Stone without the protection of magical rituals performed by the Priests. The Ben-Ben Stone was said to have been put into the Arc of the Covenant and helped the Hebrews to destroy Jericho.

Facts about the Benben Stone from Mythology and Egyptian History


  • Interesting research information and Facts about the ancient Egyptian Benben Stone
  • The Benben , sacred residence of the Sun God Ra
  • Egyptian Mythology associated with the Benben Stone
  • Facts and information about the gods and deities of of classical Egypt for schools, research and kids
  • Pictures, Description and fact sheet  about the Benben for kids

The Benben and the Stone of Destiny
The Benben Stone was said to have been put into the Arc of the Covenant and helped the Hebrews to destroy Jericho. The mythical powers of the Benben, or the Stone of Destiny, were of interest to powerful men (including Adolf Hitler) and efforts were made to locate the stone. The Stone of Destiny is an oblong block of red sandstone and usually refers to the Scottish coronation stone as residing in the monastery of Scone. The possible connection between the two is interesting as the Ben-ben stone in Heliopolis also played a role in the Egyptian coronation ceremonies.

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