Symbols for Egypt

Ancient Egyptian History for kids - Symbols for Egypt & their Meanings

The history of ancient Egypt and the significance and meanings of ancient Symbols for Egypt

Symbols for Egypt
Discover the history, significance and meanings of the ancient Symbols for Egypt. The Ancient Symbols for Egypt features in many Hieroglyphics, images and pictures of ancient Egypt and understanding the meanings of these ancient Egyptian Symbols for Egypt enables a fuller understanding of Egyptian history. The Symbols for Egypt typically relate to the gods, life, love and death. The famous Symbols for Egypt represented divine power, immortality, reincarnation and healing or symbolized emblems of authority. 

The most famous ancient Symbols for Egypt are the sphinx, the scarab, the ankh, the 'all-seeing' Eye of Horus and the gods depicted with animal heads . Additional information about ancient gods is also available via:

The Gods of Egypt

Ancient Egyptian Symbols

Egyptian Symbols

Eye of Horus

Djed Amulet and Pillar

Crowns of Egypt & Gods

The Egyptian Was Sceptre

The Ankh

The Bennu (Phoenix)

Egyptian Gods Symbols

Lotus Flower Symbol

The Ben-Ben Stone

Uraeus Cobra Symbol

The Egyptian Scarab

The Solar Boat

The Egyptian Tree of Life

Four Sons of Horus

Sa Symbol of Protection

Symbols of Hieroglyphics

Hieroglyphics Alphabet

Pictures of Egyptian Symbols

Ancient Egyptian Symbols

Facts about the Symbols for Egypt
The Symbols for Egypt are instantly recognisable. They are depicted in all aspects of ancient Egyptian art, their artefacts, relics found in the tombs, temples, hieroglyphics and in the papyrus manuscripts of the ancient Egyptians. Increase your understanding of ancient Egypt by learning the meanings of the icons, signs and symbols for Egypt. The most famous symbols for Egypt are detailed in the fact sheet.

Symbols for Egypt Fact File

The Pyramids: Definition: The pyramids were massive memorials with a square base and four triangular sides that were built as royal tombs in ancient Egypt

The Sphinx: Definition: The sphinx was a mythical creature depicted in large stone statues with the body of a lion and the head of a human that were built by the ancient Egyptians

Hieroglyphics: Definition: Hieroglyphics consists of a writing system, developed in ancient Egypt, that use picture symbols to convey concepts and ideas.

Animal-Headed Gods: The ancient Egyptians did not usually worship animals, these symbols were used as a recognition aid and a device to visually convey the powers, identity and attributes of the god.

The Ankh: Definition: The ankh was sacred icon depicted in royal funerary scenes reinforcing the close connection between the pharaohs and the gods

The Eye: Definition: The eye, were believed to be a fetish, an object that was believed to embody magical powers, a symbol of royal power, protection and good health.

Pictures and Facts about the Symbols for Egypt
The ancient Egyptians used many symbols and signs to convey stories and meanings to the people of ancient Egypt. Our illustrated guide contains pictures and descriptions of the icons and Symbols for Egypt. The following chart, or fact sheet, provides pictures and interesting facts about the symbols of Egypt.

Pictures and Facts about the Symbols for Egypt

Symbols for Egypt

Pictures of
Symbols for Egypt

Description and facts about the symbols for Egypt

Egyptian Symbols:
The Pyramids


The pyramids were massive memorials with a square base and four triangular sides that were built as royal tombs in ancient Egypt

Egyptian Symbols:

King Tut

Tutankhamen was an insignificant Egyptian Pharaoh made famous by the discovery of his fantastic tomb by Howard Carter

Egyptian Symbols:
The Sphinx


The Sphinx is one of the most iconic symbols for Egypt. The most famous sphinx is situated at Giza. The mythical sphinx has haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face of a woman

Egyptian Symbols:


Hieroglyphics are characters in any system of writing in which symbols represent objects (such as animals or boats) and ideas (such as happiness, motion and time).

Egyptian Symbols:
The Cartouche


The Cartouche is depicted in many hieroglyphics. A cartouche is an oblong magical rope which was drawn to contain the Egyptian hieroglyphics that spelt out the name of a Pharaoh. The picture of the cartouche belongs to Tutankhamen

Egyptian Symbols:
The Eye of Ra

Eye of Ra

The Eye of Ra, also known as the Eye of Horus, was used as an amulet or talisman worn by both the living and the dead

Egyptian Symbols:
The Ankh


The Ankh is sacred emblem, symbolizing regeneration or enduring life.

Egyptian Symbols:
Nemes striped headdress

The Nemes was the striped head cloth worn by the pharaohs as a ceremonial headdress.

Egyptian Symbols:
The False Beards


Pharaohs, queens and gods were depicted a false plaited beard that was hooked behind the ears. Beards with an upward pointing curl were called an “osird” or “the divine beard". Living pharaohs wore a beard with a straight edge. The picture is Queen Hatshepsut

Egyptian Symbols:
The Scarab

Picture of a Scarab Beetle

The sacred Scarab Symbol ensured the deceased would be fearless when the heart was weighed against the feather of truth during the  ceremony of justification in the Afterlife.

Egyptian Symbols:
The Lotus

The Lotus Flower is depicted on ancient Egyptian architecture, especially on the capitals (tops) of Egyptian pillars. The lotus, water lily, symbolized the sun, of creation, rebirth and regeneration

Egyptian Symbols:
Winged Sun Symbol

Winged Sun symbol

The Winged Sun symbol represented divinity, royalty and power

Egyptian Symbols:
The Winged Goddess

Maat winged goddess

The goddess Maat is sometimes depicted as a winged goddess with outspread wings attached to her arms

Egyptian Symbols:
Canopic Jars

During the process of mummification the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines were placed in special containers called canopic jars protected by four different gods who were the Sons of Horus

Egyptian Symbols:
The Feather of Maat

The Feather of Maat represented truth, justice, morality and balance.

Symbols for Egypt:
The Solar Boat

Solar Boat

Ra, the Supreme Solar God was believed to travel across the sky each day in a Solar boat, and pass through the realms of the underworld (Duat) each night

Symbols for Egypt:
The Uraeus

The Uraeus was the rearing cobra symbol represented on the front of the headdresses of gods and pharaohs as an emblem of supreme power and authority.

Symbols for Egypt:


Obelisks were prominent in the architecture of the ancient Egyptians, who placed them in pairs at the entrance of temples. Obelisks were a symbol of sun-worship

Symbols for Egypt:
The Sun Disk

The solar god Ra was usually depicted in human form with a falcon head, crowned with the sun disk encircled by the Uraeus. "Aten" was the traditional name for the sun-disk

Symbols for Egypt:
The Was Scepter

Was Scepter

The 'Was Scepter' was a long staff, topped with a symbolic animal head, believed to embody magical powers, symbolizing divine power and authority, held by gods and royalty

Symbols for Egypt:
The Djed


The Djed symbol was a pillar-like symbol used in jewelry, amulets, hieroglyphics and representing stability

Symbols for Egypt:
The Bennu Bird

The Phoenix-like Bennu bird is believed to be a divine bird returning to Egypt and the personification of the sun god Ra. It built its nest on top of the Benben stone

Symbols for Egypt:
The Benben stone

Benben stone

The sacred Ben-Ben Stone was a pyramid-shaped capstone on top of an obelisk.

Symbols for Egypt:
The Crook and Flail

The Flail held by the Pharaoh symbolized the role as provider of food for the people. The crook symbolized the role as the 'shepherd' of the people

Symbols for Egypt:
The Ka (Soul)

The Ka and Ba are the names given to two parts of the soul. The Ka was the life-force and spiritual essence that was received at the instant of birth  in the first breath. The Ka symbol is associated with Heka, the Egyptian god of Magic

Symbols for Egypt:
The Ba (Soul)

The Ba was the part of the soul believed to be able to fly and was able to leave the tomb and journey in the Underworld. The Ba is represented in ancient Egyptian art as a bird with a human head that symbolized the deceased

Symbols for Egypt:
Circle of Ouroboros

The Circle of Ouroboros originated in Egypt symbolizing renewal and represented the travels of the sun disk. It depicts a snake eating its own tail

Symbols for Egypt:
The Sistrum

A sistrum was a sacred rattle used in ancient Egypt

Symbols for Egypt:
The Cow Horns crown

The cow horns crown worn by the goddesses Isis and Hathor. The crown consisted of head horns surrounding a sun disk, often with a uraeus cobra symbol

Symbols for Egypt:
The Vulture Headdress

The Royal Vulture Crown consisted of a falcon feather headdress with its wings spread round her head in the act of protection

Symbols for Egypt:
The Khepresh Crown

The Khepresh was the blue crown that was worn by Pharaohs in battle

Symbols for Egypt:
The Deshret Crown

Red Crown of Egypt

The Red Crown of Egypt was the symbol that represented Lower Egypt (the North of Egypt)

Symbols for Egypt:
The Hedjet Crown

White Crown was called the Hedjet

The White Crown represented Upper Egypt (the South of Egypt)

Symbols for Egypt:
The Pshent Crown

The Pshent was the red and white Double Crown

The Pshent, the red and white Double Crown, represented a unified Egypt

Symbols for Egypt:
The Atef Crown

The Atef crown was worn by Osiris, the god of death and was a tall, conical, white crown with ostrich feathers on each side.

Pictures and Facts about the Symbols for Egypt - Animal Headed Gods
The ancient Egyptians used many symbols and signs to convey stories and meanings to the people of ancient Egypt. As there were over 2000 ancient Egyptian gods it was also necessary for Egyptians to be able to recognize depictions of the major gods. Many of their gods were also perceived as 'human hybrids'  depicted with human bodies with the heads of animals and these have also become symbols for Egypt. The ancient Egyptians did not usually worship animals as such, these symbols were used as a recognition aid and a device to visually convey the powers, identity and attributes of the gods and goddesses.

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