Egyptian Goddesses

Names, List & Pictures of Ancient Egyptian Goddesses for kids

Interesting information and fast, fun facts about Egyptian Goddesses for kids

Egyptian Goddesses
Discover information and interesting facts about Egyptian Goddesses. The fast, fun facts about Egyptian Goddesses includes a list pf names with pictures and images. This article on ancient Egyptian Goddesses includes interesting facts and information about the meanings and representations of their appearance and the symbols of goddesses in ancient Egyptian art. Egyptian Goddesses provides kids, schools and students with research information and  clues on how to unravel the mysteries of the hieroglyphics of goddesses displayed in the tombs and artefacts of ancient Egypt.

The interesting facts about Egyptian Goddesses provides an overview of the deities worshipped in ancient Egypt.

A - Z of Egyptian Gods & Goddesses

Religion and Cults

Egyptian Symbols & Signs

Gods of Ancient Egypt

Top Ten Facts about Ancient Egyptian Goddesses
Read the following top ten facts about Egyptian Goddesses and deities for a fast overview and fact sheet containing interesting research information on Egyptian Goddesses.

Top Facts on Egyptian Goddesses

Egyptian Goddesses: Egyptian Goddesses were worshipped for nearly 3000 years

Images & Pictures: Egyptian Goddesses were painted with yellowish colored skin, indicating indoor lifestyles

Eternal Beauty: Most ancient Egyptian Goddesses were depicted as young, beautiful and healthy

Heads of Animals: Some Egyptian Goddesses were depicted with the body of a woman and the head of an animal

Identification: Ancient Egyptians did not usually worship animals, the animal heads were used as a recognition aid, a device to visually convey the powers, identity and attributes of the Egyptian Goddesses

Symbols: Potent symbols surrounding Egyptian goddesses all had meanings and significance

Associations: Egyptian goddesses had specific duties and tasks and were associated with natural manifestations such as water and air.

Magical charms Ancient Egyptians used magical charms or amulets to ward off danger and women asked goddesses to help them with life events such as childbirth.

Facts about major Egyptian Goddesses
The following chart, or fact sheet, details pictures and interesting facts about Egyptian Goddesses. The Fact Sheet detail many facts and fascinating pieces of interesting information, history, mythology and legends about the deities and Egyptian Goddesses of ancient Egypt.

A-Z Names, List, & Facts about Egyptian Goddesses

Fact 1: Anuket: Anuket was the goddess of the inundation of the Nile and the fields. Depicted with a crown of ostrich feathers, the symbol of creation and light. She was also associated with childbirth

Fact 2: Bastet: The cat goddess Bastet represented both the home and the domestic cat and the war-like aspect of a lioness. Her cult was centered on her sanctuary at Bubastis

Fact 3: Isis: Isis was the wife of Osiris and mother goddess. She was depicted in human form, crowned either by a throne or by cow horns enclosing a sun disk. It was Isis who found and reassembled the body of Osiris after his murder by the evil god Set

Fact 4: Hathor: Hathor was the Egyptian cow or bovine goddess and depicted either as a cow or in human form wearing a crown consisting of a sun disk held between the horns of a cow.

Fact 5: Hatmehyt: Hatmehyt (hatmehit) was the fish goddess associated with the primal waters of creation

Fact 6: Heket: Heket, or Heqet, the Frog Goddess of childbirth and women looked to her for protection during childbirth and wore amulets with her image. She was depicted in human form with the head of a frog.

Fact 7: Hedetet: Hedetet Egyptian scorpion-goddess who resembles Selket, depicted with the head of a scorpion sometimes pictured nursing a baby

Fact 8: Maat: Maat was a goddess of the Underworld and truth and justice. Maat sat in judgment over the souls of the dead in the Judgment Hall of Osiris where the heart was placed on a scale, balanced by  Feather of Ma'at (her symbol that she wore on her head was an ostrich feather).

Fact 9: Meretseger: Meretseger was the funerary Cobra Goddess of tomb workers. She was believed to cause blindness and venomous stings if disturbed. She was known by the name of "Lover of Silence

Fact 10: Meskhenet: Meskhenet, or Meskhent, was the Egyptian goddess of childbirth. She was depicted with a crown consisting of a peseshkef knife, a prehistoric flint knife in the shape of a fish tail, used as a magic wand during the 'opening of the mouth ceremony'.

A-Z Names, List & Facts about Egyptian Goddesses

Facts about ancient Egyptian Goddesses
This chart and Fact Sheet containing Facts about Egyptian deities provides interesting information, history, mythology and religion surrounding the Egyptian Goddesses and some of the potent symbols that were associated with the deities and of ancient Egypt.

A-Z Names, List, Pictures & Facts about Egyptian Goddesses

Fact 11: Mut: Mut was the Mother Goddess, the vulture goddess of the sky, depicted with a Royal Vulture Crown consisted of a falcon feather headdress with its wings spread round her head in the act of protection

Fact 12: Neith: Neith was the Creator Goddess of war. Neith was also a goddess of weaving, a funerary goddess, being linked to the linen of mummy bandages because she was associated with weaving

Fact 13: Nephthys: Nephthys was the goddess of the dead and divine assistance. She was known as "Mistress of the House" and depicted with a crown in the form of the hieroglyph for house

Fact 14: Nut: Nut the goddess of the sky sometimes depicted as a giant woman whose body, sometimes studded with stars, spanned the sky. Nut was the mother of Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys.

Fact 15: Satet: Satet was the Egyptian goddess of water and a a member of the Elephantine Triad. Satet was viewed as a fertility goddess in relation to the yearly inundation of the River Nile

Fact 16: Sekhmet: Sekhmet was depicted in human form with the head of a lioness and crowned by the solar disk. She was called "The Powerful One" and said to breathe fire at the enemies of the pharaoh.

Fact 17: Seshat: Seshat was the goddess of writing and libraries. Depicted in human form with a star above her head and holding a scepter made of a notched palm branch with which she wrote

Fact 18: Selket: Selket was the Scorpion Goddess of the dead who helped guard the canopic jars, called "She who causes the throat to breath".

Fact 19: Sothis: Sothis, or Sopdet,  was the Sky Goddess of the stars who personified the Dog Star, Sirius which appeared in July which heralded the annual inundation of the Nile so she was also associated with the fertility and prosperity

Fact 20: Taweret: Taweret was the hippopotamus goddess and protective deity of childbirth. She was called "The Great One" and depicted with the head of a hippopotamus, the limbs of a lion, the tail of a crocodile, human breasts, and a swollen belly.

Fact 21: Tefnut: Tefnut was the Lioness Goddess of rain, moisture, dew and mist. She was depicted as a lioness or in human form with the head of a lioness and was worshipped as such in the lion sanctuary at Leontopolis.

A-Z Names, List, Pictures & Facts about Egyptian Goddesses

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